Russ Oberg
Scott McDonald
November 2017
“Silent Auction”
One Night Only! Please help keep Tugboat afloat. Tugboat has been part of the Lincoln art scene for over 10 years. We have amazing artwork available at our silent auction, starting at only $25!
- Jake Gillespie, Joey Lynch, Nolan Tredway, Lisa Guevara, Peggy Gomez, Michael Villarreal, Angel Settell, Kat Hedges, Lana Miller, Robert Stewart, Chadric Devine, Erik white, Saber, Daniel Curtis, Emily Lux, Bridget Brice, Madison Svendgard, Christian Gauthier, Brian Andrew Coate, Rana Young, Zora Murff, Jar Schepers, Amanda Smith, Josh Johnson, James Bockelman, Larry Buller, Sandra Williams, Craig Roper, Trudie Teijink, Michael Burton, Matel Rokke, Wendy Jane Bantam, Ashley Goodwin, George Sisson, Anthony Hawley, Kristin Mahan, Madeline Cass, Thalia Rodgers, Daniel Curtis, Larry Buller and more!
Josh Johnson
Christian Gauthier
Kat Hedges
Brian Coate
Larry Buller
Lana Miller
Jake Gillespe
Jar Schepers
March 2017
In Proximity
“In Proximity” is a survey of work from the six current Photography graduate students at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln in participation with PhotoFest. The curation of these diverse photographs renders artistic vision created through dialogue.
Rana Young
Zora J Murff
John David Richardson
Emily Wiethorn
Scott Cochran
Mallory Trecaso